
Volume 8 Issue 1

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Page 26 | Abby's Magazine - By Dr. Mercola Up to a third of breast cancer cases in Western countries could be avoided if women ate less and exercised more, researchers at a breast cancer conference said. Experts said the focus should shi to changing behaviors like diet and physical ac vity. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. A woman's life me chance of ge ng breast cancer is about one in eight. Obese women are up to 60 percent more likely to develop any cancer than normal-weight women. Many breast cancers are fueled by estrogen, a hormone produced in fat ssue. So experts suspect that the fa er a woman is, the more estrogen she's likely to produce, which could in turn spark breast cancer. Even in slim women, exercise can help reduce the cancer risk by conver ng more of the body's fat into muscle. About 13 percent of U.S. women -- or one in eight -- will develop breast cancer during her life me. This is far too many, as at least one-third of these could likely be prevented using diet and lifestyle strategies, and, among obese women, losing weight would lower this cancer risk by nearly two-thirds. Further, last year in the largest review of research into lifestyle and breast cancer, the American Ins tute of Cancer Research es mated that about 40 percent of U.S. breast cancer cases, or about 70,000 cases every year, could be prevented by making lifestyle changes. It is my strong belief that these es mates are seriously low, and it is more likely that at least two-thirds - or even greater than 90 percent of breast cancers can be avoided by rigidly applying the recommenda ons I will review below. As it stands, breast cancer is the most common cancer among Breast Cancer Prevention: Up to Two-Thirds of Breast Cancer Cases are Likely Avoidable women -- except for skin cancers -- and the second leading cause of cancer death in women, exceeded only by lung cancer. As there are now proven steps you can take to lower your risk, by taking these steps to heart, and also sharing them with your friends and family, we can hopefully make these sta s cs fall drama cally. iS BreAST CAnCer Your GeneS' FAuLT? Your risk of breast cancer is said to increase significantly if you have a family history of the disease, but according to sta s cs only about 20-30 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer actually have a family history. And the truth is, you are NOT a cap ve to your genes. The KEY to remember here is that it is NOT your genes that dictate your health but rather the expression of your genes. You have the ability to easily turn genes on and off with your lifestyle and emo onal state. One clear example is vitamin D, which literally regulates the expression of one out of every 10 of your genes. For some of you reading this, this may be a weight li ed off your

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