Black Sheep

February 2019

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BSHDFC E-Mag February 2019 | Page 9 Jim Carlson (Bison), Great Northern - RD Bob Dylan wrote a folk anthem that spoke to a me of drama c cultural shi . "The Times They Are a Chang'in!" When it comes to the mission of Black Sheep and the Harley Davidson Motor Co that ear worm of a song could easily become the ongoing reminder of what we as Black Sheep face in the coming shi in our ministry target and the adjustments we'll need to address to stay effec ve. Some years back I had the opportunity to listen to Chuck Smith Jr. (the son not the well-known father). He was talking about change in our life me. He used as a metaphor a California staple, the earthquake. He described how the shi in the tectonic plates create chaos and that area in-between a chaos zone, the subduc on zone. Then Smith hit with a truth as it applied to the mes we find ourselves in. Because we like stability we o en believe that we have a foot firmly established on one tectonic plate or the other. However, he declared, and I agree, that seasons of change happen in the subduc on zone. He further went on to state, "You all think you will get through the chaos and land on solid ground but for most of us we may spend our en re lives among the chaos dealing with the reality of drama c change." I believe that the Harley world is amid such a season of change, and as our name declares by iden ty "Black Sheep: Harley-Davidson's for Christ" we are as well. Sisters and Brothers, "The Times They Are a Chang'in" and if we "Black Sheep" are to survive with effec ve relevance we must adapt and change. I'm a Road King guy, her name is Miss Pearl (the color is Midnight Pearl). I love heavy weight Harleys. There I said it! I'm hooked! If you ever look her way you can see she's a Harley from way across the parking lot. In fact, I'm certain Road Kings are what James and John, the "Sons of Thunder" (Mark 3:17), rode around the Sea of Galilee as they followed Jesus. As the church was birthed at Pentecost everything changed. The old expecta ons and communica on about the telling of God's love blew wide open. Peter was shown in a dream (Acts 10:9-13) that what he once considered unclean was no longer to be a barrier between people. For Black Sheep to move into the next era of ministry to a new type of Harley/V-Twin owner we too must not call un-clean what God has given us the opportunity to serve and reach. There are new boots to shine, new feet to wash. Several things are mid-change in the Harley World. One is the type of bikes being offered IS a wider variety of motorcycle types with the iconic bar and shield a ached. The Heavy-weight bikes we know and love will con nue but added will be Sport bikes (The Stree ighter), Adventure bikes (The Pan-American), and first up will be Harley's first electric (EV The Livewire). This obviously adds to The Harley Owners Group a new type of rider, both in style and The Times They Are A ChAnging age demographic. Harley-Davidson, the Motor Co. looks to be ge ng clued in to this change and as a result is in the process of revising HOG and by implica on us. What's the deal, they didn't even ask us if we wanted to change. Grrrrr, I know right (IKR)! We must not be slow to respond! We must adapt and hold lightly the days ahead. We cannot afford to fight the change, it's in God's hands. The me for Harley snobbery is over. Our mission to HOG must adapt if we are to be found faithful to our calling. The influx of a new type of rider will bring with it a broader variety of mindset, genera ons and world-view to both HOG and by associa on BSHDFC. One of the most challenging things we do as Sheep is protec ng our shared reputa on, both individually and collec vely. I cannot afford to let my opinion on some issue become a barrier to someone trus ng my heart. When am I not a Chris an? When am I not a Black Sheep? What I do, what I say, what I post on social media affects my witness and you. What you do, what you say, what you post affects me. Some things have not changed. God loves us incredibly! God is relentless! We get to use the tools of a motorcycle to share that love to those with whom God has trusted us. That crowd just got bigger! We earn the right to be heard with faithfulness to our compelled calling to share this Good News through the gi we have in Black Sheep. I can't wait for what's next, to watch these days unfold. Here's Jim Fuller, Los Angeles Black Sheep relocated to Cedar City, UT. What's he doing? He's volunteering to read stories to elementary kids. THAT my friends is a servant's heart. Jim, you make us proud! What Does Ministry Look Like?

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