Black Sheep

Black Sheep 1.11

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BSHDFC E-Mag July 2018 | Page 3 dishonesty and more. We lie, we cheat, we defraud and we manipulate. We pervert and jus fy every whim of the flesh. We drink and drug and sedate. We do what we want to do and make excuses for everything else. Is America perfect? Not even close – because we are a na on of repulsive sinners (like every other na on) in need of a Savior. The ques on is not, "What is wrong with America?" but rather, "What is wrong with me?" Hope for America begins around our dinner tables and on our knees. Am I a patriot? Yes, I am. How else can I hope to change the things that are wrong and promote the things that are right? A true patriot has their eyes open and their discernment antennae up! A Chris an patriot respects and prays for authority – no ma er who they are (Romans 13) A true patriot speaks the truth but they do so with grace. A true patriot spends far more me building than tearing down. I am NOT filled with blind na onalism. I am filled with faith that good people empowered by a good God can accomplish great things. I am a patriot. That is, I am responsible and will act responsibly with what God has given me; a country that has been blessed and an opportunity and freedom for me to bless others. I will thank God for the blessings provided and seek to use those blessings for the glory of God. Is it "just that simple?" No. Few things are "that simple." We are a complex na on made up of all kinds of people facing a mul tude of challenges. A Chris an patriot doesn't quit, doesn't give up and doesn't walk away. A Chris an patriot stands by their country and does what they can do to make it be er un l Christ comes. From: Ralph Adrian (Maryland BSHDFC) NO BOMBS! NO HEADACHES! "I always pray for the Hedge Of Protec on before I leave my home, even when not riding. Last month there was a plot to bomb the building where I work in Philadelphia. Please ask the Sheep to con nue to pray for us all. It's making a difference. As for my chronic headaches, I am healed! No headaches! No issues with neck or back! God is AWESOME! Thanks for all you do." "Yo Adrian" Editor's Note: Right a er Adrian joined BSHDFC he started suffering from horrible, chronic headaches. It was even worse when he leaned forward to take hold of his bike's bars. This is truly a major answer to prayer! From: David Troxell (San Jose, BSHDFC) MENTORING NEW MEMBERS "I just finished mentoring "Joseph" who will be joining our SJ ranks of Sheep. I wanted tell you how much I enjoy the mentoring process. I have mentored four people now. Each me I do, I become more strengthened by our calling to motorcycle ministry. Mentoring is not for everyone, but I feel honored each me I am asked to do it. Joseph said to me, ".... how Good this process is, .... it really makes each person think about his coming mission. ...The process is thorough, informa ve and light, not heavy, or burdening.... " I just wanted to share and give you some "Good stuff " to lighten your day." Nameless from Rhode Island Going to Church or Going for a Ride? "I have a ques on. My wife and I are born again. We ride motorcycles. I have been medically re red due to surgeries. I am 64 years old. My wife s ll works for the state of Rhode Island and she works a lot of hours with only the weekends off. My pastor visited me and said I am not ac ng like a Chris an or may not be one if I take a Sunday here or there off to spend with my wife on our "get-aways." I need an opinion please." "Good ques on Rhode Island! Hebrews 10:25 tells us [Chris ans] we need to keep on mee ng together. We need one another for sure, for love, care and accountability. "Iron sharpens iron." If you look up "one another" in the New Testament the list is long: "Love one another...forgive one another...encourage one another...rebuke one another...." - so yes, we need to go to church. But I would also say that there are indeed mes when we need to "get away." The ques ons are "How much. How o en and What for?" As a pastor myself, I can't tell you the answers to those ques ons, only God can. Here are, however, a few ideas: (1) Go to your church more Sundays than you don't. (2) Stay connected and accountable with the people in your church. (3) If you are sharing your faith outside of the church (and every Chris an should be doing that) you're going to need a church to bring them to. "No need going fishing without a bucket." (4) If you do take a Sunday away from church, have a good reason: a day of rest, a day to visit family or reconnect with your spouse, a day to minister to others. Trust in the Holy Spirit and do what He says. Respec ully, Marty Edwards Pres. Black Sheep HDFC. We Get Mail!

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